Make an enquiry

Please email:  

You will receive a reply email which lists Rachel's availability in your preferred time period to chair your mediation.  

Please note:  Available dates are given to a number of parties who make enquiries and bookings are made on a first-come-first served basis.

Confirm fees

Mediation Style Conference Standard Fees are available from the Mediation Costs page.

Usually, the parties equally share the cost of mediation and place their half of the fees into the trust account of their solicitors.

It is the solicitors who contract with Rachel to chair the mediation and therefore the solicitors who are ultimately responsible for the payment of the mediation fee.

Sign and return agreement

Upon receipt of confirmation that both parties agree to Rachel's appointment as chair of the Mediation Style Conference and that both parties’ solicitors accept responsibility of payment of fees, a Mediation Style Conference Agreement will issue via email.

A "Standard Mediation Style Conference Agreement" is available from the Mediation Style Conference Standard Agreement page.

Confirmation of booking

When the Mediation Style Conference Agreement is signed and returned, a firm booking is made for the conference itself and the pre-mediation conferences with each of the parties.

Although provisional bookings are maintained for as long as possible, until the signed mediation agreement is returned by both parties, the day remains listed as an 'available day' for other parties inquiring about mediations.